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Song Parodies -> "Buildin' My House"

Original Song Title:

"In My Hood"

Original Performer:

50 Cent

Parody Song Title:

"Buildin' My House"

Parody Written by:

CJ Culster

The Lyrics

If you get a chance tell krazie8 that I got parodies up
(Intro)CJ sings

Girlfriends break their toes to pieces
On some fake bones Dad they really want chiken
I threw that computer out the window
I swaer I didn't shoot JFK
Because I wasn't born yet, the computer
It falls on the cold ground, chickens taste like pamogranites
Ovens can burn yo skin off, they leave a big black mark
That line had nothing to do with the song
I'm from North West International
Where the cats explode
If you feel like you drowning, boy
Don't breath through your nose
Girls eatcha money up on burgers cause they want to be fat
Now you could turn skinny or buy a download
Turkeys hopping, pigs acting like chickens
Got my razor and my shave cream
After shave in my pocket
Throw you in the trunk and lock et'

(Hook)Mike sings

Buildin' my house
Everybody hates me
When I'm on my own construction site
Buildin' my house
A lot 'o' booze a couple ciggarettes
They all gonna die of lung cancer
Buildin' my house
They all shiny
I bit the ear off my cat
Buildin' my house
Everyone looks at me
So I keep my glasses around to look back
Buildin' my house

(Odd)CJ sings

I don't like fat french crapes
When the grades come Marge faints
The king of the hill is Hank
Where he's from it aint safe to to bake more than a cake
Bart'll come to yo place, spray you with mace
Till you ta make a funny face, as you say you just won a race
You continue to get on his case
I don't think I can opporate
Few to many bulls rammed at Jake
Trust me dad, I didn't eat all that cake
These block boys did it, 'I'll kill them!!!'
Please dad don't hurt em'
I wasn't very good in school
You always see me flunkin'
Grades come out of the office
All you see is me runnin'
That makes Bart and Nelson happy, everyone's after me
I'm an amatuer, the whole 'How To' book editor


(Solo)CJ Sings

Telephone is off the hook
Until I put it back on
Don't ever try to impress me you show off
Uh, hey you, crap out a chicken or a big fat turkey
Crack a whip fast so you know your slaves are workin
They down there buildin castles
Takin' your whipings
Someone getting' all moody
She needs some disciplin (Whip goes off)
Peep show shows presents. Ddaanngg
Look at that engine blow up on that Mustang
The shiney white boys were I'm from don't want to see a black boy
You black they gonna shoo you off and play with there yoyo toys
It is good to sell records in my house
Blaaow'you know I like presents now


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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   1
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Krayzie8 - January 16, 2007 - Report this comment
Hey CJ, lets have a contest. We'll see who has the funniest parodies. The person with the most votes wins. So tell me when your ready by leaving a comment under one of my songs. "Easter Egg" was edited.

The author of the parody has authorized comments, and wants YOUR feedback.

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