Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with P, Page 13
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"Pip Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Pep Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Top Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Sop Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Mop Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Hop Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Fop Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Cop Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Bop Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Pox Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Pow Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Poo Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Poe Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Pod Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Pot Culture," Madeon originally
"Pop Culture" Regina Olsen
"Mop Life," Prince originally
"Pop Life" Goofball
"Pup Life," Prince originally
"Pop Life" Beverly Stiles
"Cop Life," Prince originally
"Pop Life" Genevieve
"Top Life," Prince originally
"Pop Life" Genevieve
"Pop Wife," Prince originally
"Pop Life" Bob Smith
"Poe Life," Prince originally
"Pop Life" Scary, like an Edgar Allan Poe story
Candace Mercer
"Lop Life," Prince originally
"Pop Life" Goofball
"Pod Music Is Not A Crime," Freezepop originally
"Pop Music Is Not A Crime" Gretchen Wieners
"Pop Music Is Now A Crime," Freezepop originally
"Pop Music Is Not A Crime" Gretchen Wieners
"Pop Music Is Not A Chime," Freezepop originally
"Pop Music Is Not A Crime" Gretchen Wieners
"Cop Music Is Not A Crime," Freezepop originally
"Pop Music Is Not A Crime" Gretchen Wieners
"Sop Musik," M originally
"Pop Musik" electric
"Pod Musik," M originally
"Pop Musik" As in iPod, of course.
"Pom Musik," M originally
"Pop Musik" as in Pom-Poms
"Pup Muzik," M originally
"Pop Muzik" Dinah Bartilson
"Pep Muzik," M originally
"Pop Muzik" Dinah Bartilson
"Poe Muzik," M originally
"Pop Muzik" A tribute to Edgar Allan?
"Pox Muzik," M originally
"Pop Muzik" Ed
"Mop Muzik," M originally
"Pop Muzik" Ed
"Cop Muzik," M originally
"Pop Muzik" Ed
"Top Muzik," M originally
"Pop Muzik" Ed
"Lop Muzik," M originally
"Pop Muzik" Ed
Most people probably thought this was the title.
Yes, thang was in the title of this 1972 hit.
"The Hope Song," Tim Minchin originally
"The Pope Song" Emmy Kay Butanone
"The Rope Song," Tim Minchin originally
"The Pope Song" Emmy Kay Butanone
How would "popsicle" describe garden tools?
Jessica Childress
Whoever catches it gets to eat it?
Jim Raveling
Can popsicles have enemies?
Jessica Childress
Goes where?
Jessica Childress
Popsicles might sometimes cause woe.
Jessica Childress
How would "popsicle" describe female deer?
Jessica Childress
Tots eating popsicles?
Jessica Childress
"Porcelain Pod," Paul Weller originally
"Porcelain God" Miranda Turner
"Porcelain Cod," Paul Weller originally
"Porcelain God" Miranda Turner
"Porcelain Donkey," Warren Zevon originally
"Porcelain Monkey" John A. Barry
Norn = one of 3 fate-like beings in Norse myth
Francine Harper
"Porpoise Gong," The Monkees originally
"Porpoise Song" Candy Welty
"Porpoise Bong," The Monkees originally
"Porpoise Song" Candy Welty
"Portrait Or A Fool," Conway Twitty originally
"Portrait Of A Fool" Candy Welty
"Portrait On A Fool," Conway Twitty originally
"Portrait Of A Fool" Candy Welty
"Portrait Of A Pool," Conway Twitty originally
"Portrait Of A Fool" Candy Welty
"Portrait Of A Tool," Conway Twitty originally
"Portrait Of A Fool" Candy Welty
"Portrait Of A Foal," Conway Twitty originally
"Portrait Of A Fool" Candy Welty
"Portrait Of A Fowl," Conway Twitty originally
"Portrait Of A Fool" Candy Welty
Positron = + charged antiparticle to electron
Edyth Bowen
"Rossum Kingdom," Toadies originally
"Possum Kingdom" Emmy Rossum has her own kingdom?
Megan Tereon
"Poster Of A Gill," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Mayu
"Poster Or A Girl," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Karen Smith
"Porter Of A Girl," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Chelsea Turtle
"Poster On A Girl," Metric originally
"Poster Of A Girl" Karen Smith
"Pods And Pans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pant," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pang," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pane," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Paws," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pats," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pass," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pars," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pams," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pals," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pads," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Puns," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pins," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Pens," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
"Pots And Vans," Rick Ross originally
"Pots And Pans" Patricia McClure
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