Links -> Parodies
amIright is focused on musical humor. It was created in the spring of 2000 as a spinoff from my 80s website.
If you want to know more about the site, check the About Us page.
I am available for interviews about the site, or any topic about music parody, misheard lyrics (including the amIright misheard lyrics book),
or other funny music stuff.
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Websites with song parodies
Every link in the sections below have been reviewed by the site owner and are considered excellent sites.
If a link no longer works, please use the report link to let us know.
analyticalQ's collection of parodies and other works
Bob Ricci writes parody and original comedy music. Listen to some of Bob's songs and buy the CD here!
Song parodies online, you can listen to and buy
Kooky comedy and parody songs
We are a parody of Men In Black. We all work at a grocery store and we have begun to make parody's of songs and make them pertain to working.
The DJ who plays the oddest novelty records and parody songs. World famous and in the business over 35 years.
Not strictly song parodies, but excellent parodies of advertising and other stuff.. Nice quality, highly recomend a visit.
Wolveroses song parody site featuring songs that I are not on amiright. Also features album covers song listings and audio.
Parody and satire on topics from politics to pop culture, Bush to Bin Laden, all original.
Neil Diamond Song Parody Web Site
A seasonal song parody site based on the music of and musician James Lee Stanley created by his mailing list fans and sanctioned by the artist, himself.
Short answering machine song parodies, really well done. Available in WAV files.
Song parodies of medical humor by a group of singing nurse anesthetists.
Good brief examination of 2 Live Crew's parody of 'Oh, Pretty Woman'.
Mad Kane's award winning song parodies about politics and whatever else irks her, including Hey Hughes, Ode to Kenny Boy, Spinmeister, Old Dick Cheney, Ashcroft's Favorite Things, Dubya's Dream, Bloggers' Rhapsody, Ode to Pootie-Poot, etc.
Song parodies and other funny songs, with two different formats to listen to them as well as read them online.
Parody of a pretentious metal band. Includes a music video, MP3 download of one of their "hits", bios and an extensive blog filled with rock star excesses and some very strange comments by people very willing to keep the joke going.
Webster features Christian parodies of secular tunes, including both lyrics and MP3 recordings of many of the songs. Probably the most popular Christian-based parody site on the web with several hundred parodies published to date.
This site is the world's center for songs about physics. It features a searchable database of all songs about physics, a categorized link list to many other physics songs pages, plus lyrics and recordings to more than 50 physics songs, including some dating to 1947. Thanks!
The Beatles parody that began life as a movie.
Original songs, plus parodies with midi's to sing along to.
Do you like your parodies to be genuinely funny, extremely witty but a little (ok, a LOT) on the disturbing side? Of COURSE you do! So to whet your appetite there's, where parodies are finely crafted in that olde-world tradition, using only the best ingredients... we're just not sure where it all goes so horribly WRONG....
Parodies of popular music served up on a quite disturbing platter. Recommended for 17 and up, the Seamonkey specializes in subject matter that puts the heebie in your jeebies... buy hey, it's funny! Available MP3 downloads, pics, fan response and even soothsaying / advice given in the 'Ask Seamonkey' page, Seamonkey Music makes all other websites look professional!
Lots of humourous song parodies in Real Audio format, plus some just off the wall stuff as well. Worth a listen.
Jewish themed parodies of rock and roll songs
Over 50 well-known songs from the last forty years given a clever Star Wars treatment. Mp3s and lyrics backed by MIDI.
Song parodies (many with free MP3 downloads) satirizing celebrities, politicians, literary characters, elves, people from Utah, and masked villains with venereal diseases.
This site contains Stephen Lynch Biography, Profile, Trivia, and Quotes.
The original geek parodist, Tom Lehrer took on the science world in his parodies to entertain and educate.
The master of parodies in the video age. This is his official website, which is chock full of info.
Song parodies, with the midi version of the original playing along in the background...
A dirty song parodies site. Not affiliated with amIright.
What if William Shakespeare wrote the Thong Song instead of Sisqo?
Catalogs the lyrics for all of Weird Al Yankovic's songs (parodies and originals, released and unreleased). Check other areas of this unofficial site for complete discography information and trivia about Weird Al.
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