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Fun Music Information -> Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

This is the most recent information about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).



So the year is 1791, and Mozart has just died. It's a big deal in Vienna, everyone is sad blah blah blah blah. A few days after he is buried, someone is walking through the graveyard and hears a strange noise. Intrigued by the noise he follows it until it gets louder, louder, and finally he finds himself standing above Mozart's grave. Naturally this is a matter of curiosity in Vienna, and soon people from all over come to hear this strange sound coming from Mozart's grave. No one can identify the noise coming from the grave, so finally they bring in an expert on Mozart's music to see if he can identify it. After listening for a few minutes, the expert says "Well this is Mozart's 6th symphony, but it's playing backwards." He listens a bit longer and he hears Mozart's 5th symphony, 4th symphony, 3rd, 2nd, 1st but all being played backwards. The people of Vienna ask the expert how this strange music can be coming from the grave. "It's no big deal" he answers. "Mozart is just decomposing."
Submitted by: Beverly Steiles
Why did Mozart kill his chickens? Because they kept saying bach bach bach bach!
Submitted by: Deedee

Repetitive Song Lyrics:

"Catalog aria from Don Giovanni"
The Repetitive Lyrics:
La piccina [the small woman] (repeated at least six times)
Why They're Repetitive:
Mozart repeated other words and phrases in this aria, and apparently elsewhere throughout the opera. How many times did he have to use 'La piccina' before we would catch on that Giovanni woos small women?
Submitted by: Doug Montgomery

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