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Fun Music Information -> Stevie Van Zandt

This is the most recent information about Stevie Van Zandt that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Stevie Van Zandt, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Performers with Handicaps:

He had his head horribly scarred and disfigured in a car crash where his head impacted the front windshield. Ever since that he is always scene with a scarf, hat, bandana or something to cover that up. When acting, as in the 'Sopranos' he usually wears a toupee. According to Bruce Springsteen's autobiography, Disney World wouldn't allow Stevie admission because of his 'gang' look so he and Bruce told the security to f*** off and left.
Submitted by: Disciple of Soul

What A Band is Best Known For (aside from their music):

"Wearing a bandana "
He was in a car accident that left his head horribly scarred up, so he wears something to cover it at all times.
Submitted by: dayna

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