This is the most recent information about Pet Shop Boys feat. Dusty Springfield that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Pet Shop Boys feat. Dusty Springfield, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name | |
"Squirrels In My Pants," Cast of 'Phineas & Ferb' | "What Have I Done To Deserve This?," Pet Shop Boys feat. Dusty Springfield | |
"What Have I Done To Deserve This?," Pet Shop Boys feat. Dusty Springfield | "You Done Me Wrong," Ray Price | |
"What Have I Done To Deserve This?," Pet Shop Boys feat. Dusty Springfield | "You Killed The Clown," Red Velvet Ray Gun | |
"What Have I Done To Deserve This?," Pet Shop Boys feat. Dusty Springfield | "Been Caught Stealing," Jane's Addiction | |
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available. |
First Band/Song Name | Second Band/Song Name | New Song Name | Submittor |
What Have I Done To Deserve This Pet Shop Boys feat. Dusty Springfield | This Kiss Faith Hill | What Have I Done To Deserve This Kiss? | Serafina |
"What Have I Done to Deserve This?"
Misheard Lyrics: What have I done in New Jersey?
Original Lyrics: What have I done to deserve this?
| "What Have I Done to Deserve This?"
Misheard Lyrics: What have I done in New Jersey?
Original Lyrics: What have I done to deserve this?
"What Have I Done to Deserve This?"
Misheard Lyrics: Can't always run from a good thing
Original Lyrics: Can't always work for a living
| "What Have I Done to Deserve This?"
Misheard Lyrics: How am I gonna get you?
or How am I gonna forget you? Original Lyrics: How am I gonna get through?
There are additional misheard lyrics available. |
"What Have I Done to Deserve This?"
Misheard Lyrics: What have I, what have I, what have I done to the surface
Original Lyrics: What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?
Story about this misheard lyric by: Gabs Thought it was woderbyne at first and then thought it was what have I done to the surface |