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Fun Music Information -> K'Jon

This is the most recent information about K'Jon that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about K'Jon, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"Ships," Barry Manilow"On The Ocean," K'Jon
"I'm On A Boat," The Lonely Island"On The Ocean," K'Jon
"Little Red Rented Rowboat," Joe Dowell"On The Ocean," K'Jon
"Sailing," Christopher Cross"On The Ocean," K'Jon

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"O The Ocean" originally "On The Ocean"
Marion Shelby

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Yon The Ocean" originally "On The Ocean"
As in "That's the ocean out yonder."
Carolyn Morgenstern
"Won The Ocean" originally "On The Ocean"
But WHO's giving it away?!?
Regina Olsen
"Own The Ocean" originally "On The Ocean"
Regina Olsen

Change a Letter:

"On Thy Ocean" originally "On The Ocean"
Someone has their very own ocean?
Carolyn Morgenstern
"In The Ocean" originally "On The Ocean"
Surprising omission so far!
Carolyn Morgenstern
"Of The Ocean" originally "On The Ocean"
Yvette Bristle

Band Name Anagrams:

Jon K. Submitted by: Carolyn Morgenstern
An easy anagram

Song Title Anagrams:

"On The Canoe" originally "On The Ocean"
Submitted by: Regina Olsen
"Oh, Net Ocean" originally "On The Ocean"
Submitted by: Regina Olsen
"Oh, Net Canoe" originally "On The Ocean"
Submitted by: Regina Olsen
"He Not Canoe" originally "On The Ocean"
But his grammar might be better than singer's
Submitted by: Regina Olsen
"He Not Ocean" originally "On The Ocean"
But his grammar might be better than singer's
Submitted by: Regina Olsen

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