This is the most recent information about Bronski Beat that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Bronski Beat, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Song/Performer | Comment | Submitter Name |
"I Gave You Everything," | No person can attain everything. | Yvette Bristle |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"It Ain’t Necessarily So" | "It Ain’t Necessarily Snow" | Merry & Pippin |
"Hit That Perfect Beat Boy" | "Jesus Murphy Greif Boy!" | Mother of a Trouble maker |
Song Name | Company/Organization | Submittor |
Smalltown Boy | Gay Help Line | 52458 |
"Smalltown Boy"
Misheard Lyrics: Run away to the lane
Original Lyrics: Run away, turn away
| "C'mon, C'mon"
Misheard Lyrics: The empty nest that surrounds me
Original Lyrics: The emptiness that surrounds me
"Hit That Perfect Beat"
Misheard Lyrics: Beach Boy, Beach Boy
Original Lyrics: Beat-boy, beat-boy
| "It Ain't Necessarily So"
Misheard Lyrics: To love David's Bridal
Original Lyrics: To read in the Bible
There are additional misheard lyrics available. |
"Smalltown Boy"
Misheard Lyrics: Rumbly, tumbly
Original Lyrics: Run away, turn away
Story about this misheard lyric by: Cody Finke I could have sworn it was Winnie the Pooh references! |